HBCU Homecoming: What to Expect
By: Anaya Balkcom
It is that time again when the summer fizzles to an end. Around this time, college students are returning; they already know what is at the top of their agenda. Homecoming outfits! For people who may not be aware, Homecoming at HBCUs is the time to show up and show out. This time of year is really set for alums returning to relive memories and run into old friends. For the undergrad students, it’s that time to party and party some more!
If you are anything like me and like to be prepared, you will know that the only thing better than preparing for back to school is preparing for HBCU Homecoming. While you may wonder why I am discussing Homecoming so early in the year, remember that time flies. Just yesterday, it was the beginning of June, and here we are at the beginning of September. Before you know it, it’ll be December, Merry Christmas everybody!
Seriously, all jokes aside, Homecoming will be here before you know it, and HBCU Homecomings are one of the single most important events of the year for the HBCU community. Whether you’re an alum or a student, there is something sure to pique your interest. Homecoming is a celebration of black culture at HBCUs. This annual celebration is a week of celebrating Black pride and joy. This is the time when you celebrate your university’s past, present, and future.
Every HBCU has a Homecoming Spirit Week, where the Campus Activity Board plans a different event every day leading up to homecoming. Some colleges may have comedy nights with special guests, fashion shows, step shows, the amazing sounds from the band during football game halftime, and most importantly, their infamous concerts. While the events are insane and you are living your best life, there are some rules you should follow, especially for this week!
Check out these tips below to make the most out of your homecoming experience:
- Plan
Check online or social media to see when your homecoming is scheduled. Once you have the date, mark it in your calendar and remind yourself to do all homework and assignments before homecoming week, leaving you one less thing to worry about. Remember, no one wants to be stuck in their room finishing an assignment during the homecoming concert. Make sure you get your work done on time!
Also, financial planning for the events. Some of the events can be costly, so you must plan in order to avoid missing out on the festivities.
2. Strategize
If you are like 95% of HBCU students, you will want a new outfit for the homecoming festivities. Keep an eye out for outfits or tops you may like to wear now. There’s nothing worse than ordering an outfit, and it comes a day after the event. Order your outfits and accessories ASAP to ensure their timely arrival.
3. Buddy System
Rule number one of the homecoming code of conduct is to never go anywhere without a buddy! Parties can get crazy, and sometimes cell service is not the best. Never travel anywhere alone, even to the bathroom. Your friends will understand if you explain that you are not comfortable traveling somewhere alone, and if they don’t…maybe it is time to start partying with a new group. Look out for not only yourself but your friends too! Make sure they have a buddy and that they are not traveling by themselves, either.
4. Be Prepared
With the excitement of homecoming, it can sometimes be challenging to think about anything but the fun you will have. Allow me to be your eyes into the future and remind you of the following necessary measures you should take during homecoming week.
- Stay hydrated
- Eat a meal consisting of nutrients before leaving
- Make sure your phone is on 100% because 50% turns to 20% really quick
- Dress accordingly, remember you can still look good and be warm, don’t compromise your health!
- Beware of your surroundings
- NEVER pick up a drink you put down and was unattended
- If you are going to drink, drink responsibly
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Have Fun!
The purpose of Homecoming is to have fun, make memories, and celebrate your school. Do not allow the stress from outside elements to take away from this memorable experience. You have worked diligently, and this is your time to shine. Have fun and stay safe!