Written by: Julz Mancini
After speaking with several people, especially music artists and entrepreneurs, I have come to realize that a person’s passion typically blossoms after the most difficult times of their life. My realization is further proof that after a storm comes a rainbow. This pandemic has surely tested individuals’ ability to trudge through quick sand, survive financial droughts, and search deep within for an innate purpose. Fight or flight mode was certainly initiated throughout the last year, as we have witnessed many fall apart at the seams while simultaneously witnessing the birth of many independent businesses and music artists.
Busy B Love always had a love for music. It was right before Covid swarmed the world that the young creative decided to enter the studio for the first time. Eager to share his craft, Busy B worked diligently on a strategy to introduce himself to the indie music scene. During my interview with Busy B Love he stated, “The pandemic gave me motivation. I took advantage of the time and used social media to reach my audience.” As Busy B released his primary project titled, “Love is Pain”, he was excited to see everyone’s reaction to the music. This project portrayed all different aspects of how love can be painful.
“Love is Pain” has been streamed 80k times collectively. Clearly, Busy B Love, has found his niche and target audience for his music. Three weeks ago, Busy B released his new single and music video “Lessons”. In this short time frame, he accumulated over 17k views on YouTube revealing the demand for his unique sound. Busy B has a captivating, melodic voice that coincides with his lyricism perfectly. His ability to pinpoint his own vibe is amazing as he has just skimmed the surface in the music scene. This is proof that Busy B has a long, successful music career ahead of him.
In the studio is where you can currently find Busy B as he prepares his next project for his fans. The project will be titled, “Love is Pain 2” and a release date has yet to be determined. While you await this upcoming album, make sure to stream, “Rockstar”. This catchy track has over 16k streams collectively and the official music video is premiering on April 30th!
At the conclusion of my interview with the young talent, Busy B expressed that he wants to take his music as far as he can. Eventually, he would like to break into the mainstream and live comfortably off of his craft. When asked what message he has for other artists he stated, “It’s all about putting the work in and finding the right resources to expand”. It appears as though Busy B has done just that. To get better acquainted with Busy B Love and his music journey, click on the links below!