Ron Savage, acclaimed as “Bee-Stinger” releases the official video for his single “Snacks In The Night.” In the video, the former member of the New York State Democratic Committee/Civil Rights Advocate/Hip Hop Movement owner calls out lyrical jokesters and clout chasers.
Bee-Stinger is famed for keeping Hip Hop at the forefront and preserving the culture along with the elements, so it only makes sense to call out artists who lack the showmanship and knowledge of authentic Hip Hop. Geared up, Bee-Stinger lays down hard punchlines that resonate through the gritty arrangement of melodies. He’s taking these clowns out and making room for the OG’s who still make timeless music and live a lifestyle pure to the culture. Watch the video for “Snacks In The Night” and connect with Bee-Stinger and the Hip Hop Movement below.
Head over to YouTube to catch Bee-Stinger’s other latest videos “Drop Low” and “The Monty Diss Track.”
Ron “Bee-Stinger” Savage
Owner of the Hip Hop Movement Servicemark
Hip Hop Movement (R)
Hip Hop Movement Podcast
Hip Hop Movement Steaming Channel on ROKU TV
Hip is the Culture Hop is the Movement